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When elections go wrong…

April 29, 2015

It is election-madness time in Burundi. It’s not only that political opponents spend their time hurling accusations at each other in awful and audacious harsh tones, or that the president’s recent speech officially confirming his candidacy to the next elections in spite of the constitution and the Arusha agreements all forbidding him to do so. It is not that the raging political debates, mostly protesting the president’s candidacy, for the past few months, ignited a heated, violent and massive protest in the capital city or that everything in our current situation (the shutting down of some radio stations and, now, social media) has gone way beyond a war of words and is fueling the fire of violence coming in the form of riots …It is beyond that. Under all of that lies a beast that we, Burundians, know very well and are afraid to awake.

In a country that is barely starting to recover from the civil war that ended just only ten years ago, I have to say that everybody is afraid. Even those that do not look like they are afraid are really acting to prevent what they fear might happen if they don’t act. We hear a lot of rumors of war and terror reigns right now in every part of the country because, let’s face it, all these events seem to culminate in yet another civil war. For many among us, those rumors awake some of the painful memories that were just starting to heal and for others, these heated confrontations (sometimes taking an ethnic turn) are reviving the worst demons that all of us hoped were tamed.

Many, out of fear, have fled the country, feeling sorry that the beast was awakened and is just only getting ready to unleash its deadly and poisonous power among those who stayed. Everybody’s question is this: ‘Where is our help coming from?’ How can I deal with this fear that everyone is dealing with? Where can I, at least, find the comfort or courage needed to keep me going?

We do have a God.

“Stop right there! Those who died years ago also ‘had a God’,” you might refute my first argument. I’m not dealing with death here, but with fear. The very first battle we have to fight is that of silencing the voices of fear and we can only do that by finding solace in the fact that we have a God, and that we’re his people—those who believe and trust in him of course. There are faithful believers in the biblical times who died ‘having a God’ but one thing is sure, they didn’t die in fear; and that changes everything.

Even if it comes down to it (God forbid), war isn’t a strange event within the pages of the Bible; in fact, God sometimes led his people right into it just as, other times, he led them to flee from it. At times He miraculously fought some of their battles by himself while his people were watching and still other times, he engaged his people into fighting. He promises sure death—this might churn you up— for his faithful followers (John15:20). Whatever the case— let it be taking action or standing still or fleeing—He calls his people never to fear, for He is their God (Ps46:10, Ex14:13,Joshua1:9).

The fact that He is God answers and removes all our reasons to fear. When you have peace with him, when death occurs, you know it will just get better; meeting him will be your gain and your greatest joy (Phil1:21). If it doesn’t, whatever the aftermath, you find comfort in the knowledge that He is in control and however things turn out, it will lead into more joy and more good(Hab3:17-18, Rom8:28).

So, what am I really saying? I’m not saying that we shouldn’t fear—it’d be nonsensical to tell you not to have an emotion! What I’m saying is that we have to fight it and never to allow it to take the wheel for fear is lack of faith in his presence (Mark4:40) and at times God has shown great displeasure over it (Numbers13-14). How do you fight it? By kindling your faith in reminding yourself of his promises of protection and care and presence and I must tell you, they abound!

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…"
Psalm 23:4

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