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The ultimate solo

October 10, 2015

What is it that transforms the culmination of the joy in my soul into melody? What is it that gives the expression of gladness inside of me a musical turn?

For many of us, there will be a feeling; a growing itch to channel out our joy into moves, and that flow and rush of energy, will find the proper outlet through a jovial beat.

Although music can have many colors (grief, love, worship, despair…), it is, however, the best means of expressing joy that I can think of. The high intensity of that joy and the rhythm demands more than a casual humming of a song; it will definitely stretch the vocal cords into an outburst sound of joy.

Could it be that we were made that way for a deeper purpose? Could it be that there is a reason behind the way we’re (almost) all wired?

It’s not, I contend, a coincidence. We’re made after the image and likeness of a God whose explosion of joy and happiness causes him to sing…

“What I hear when I hear the singing of God is the crash of the Niagara Falls and the boom of that water hitting the bottom and the spray coming out mingled together with the sound of a quiet little mountain mossy stream….I hear the blast of mount ST Helen ; 40 miles away, mingled with the purr of a kitten, I hear the power of an east-coast Hurricane mingled together with the almost inaudible puff of snow in the night wood and I hear the roar of the burning of the Sun; 860,000 miles thick; 1,3million times bigger than the earth and it is all fire; 1million degrees centigrade on the cooler surface of the corona…”
John Piper

What’s that sound that your imagination plays in your mind? Can you hear that sound?

To imagine a God “rejoicing with gladness”; a God who will “exult over us with loud singing” (Zephaniah3:17) is for the moment, a fanciful thought. What our eyes has never seen—the gladness of God—and what our ears has never heard—the singing voice of God—is what He has in store for those who trusted him.

It’ll surely be the ultimate solo but until then, we can only imagine…

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